What I do …
The focus of my work is to influence, inspire, and compel the reader to take action. That means making sales, getting leads, followers, click-throughs—anything that contributes to a bottom line. From luxury homes and non-profit fundraising to management consulting and credit cards, I’ve written copy for a huge range of products and services. But whether it’s a direct mail package that includes underwear (long story) or writing in the voice of a car to its owner (she missed him!), I’m up for it. My portfolio covers both print and digital: websites and banners…email solicitations…direct-response mailings…advertisements…brochures and flyers…product naming, tagline development…and plenty more.
Who I work for …
I write copy for a variety of B2B and B2C markets and industries including financial services, home building and development, publishing, utilities, law, shipping and construction, among others. I love the variety. My clients include American Express, Charles Schwab, AT&T, Lennar Homes, the Glaucoma Research Foundation, and dozens more.
What else …
I also write articles and newsletters for employees, customers, followers, and constituents. I’ve done plenty of these—I love to do them and I’m good at it. I create story ideas, conduct interviews, and research and write articles that inform, educate, or tell a client’s story that promotes a cause, bolsters a brand, creates community, or pushes a perspective.
In addition to my extensive experience writing copy, I worked as a Product Manager at one of the nation’s major credit issuers where I had been promoted from a copywriting position. Sitting on the “other side” as a client gave me vast insight into the burning question, “What do clients really want?” (Hint: Copy that actually SELLS.) In other words, I “get it.”